Five parameters, and two hundred thousand points

EditArt is a generative art platform on Tezos, where collectors can become creators by co-creating a piece of art with the artist. Density features two noise-filled arcs expand in opposite directions, rendered in subtly-granulated patterns. The piece is generated internally at a resolution of 2048 x 2048 pixels, and this image is presented to the viewer in their browser, on the device of their choice. Scaling, resolution and browser choices allow Moiré patterns and smoothing to affect the viewer's appreciation of the piece they helped to create.

The first parameter is colour:

variables.backgroundHue = Math.floor(m0 * 12) * 30;

Clamped to twelve possible values, this parameter corresponds to a hue-based colour wheel, spanning red through to green, through to blue, and back to red.

The second parameter is rotation:

variables.rotation = Math.floor(m1 * 16) / 16;

Clamped to sixteen possible values, this parameter corresponds to the rotation of the piece, beginning with a horizontal split, rotating through a full circle, and back to horizontal once more.

The third parameters is radius:

variables.radius = 0.2 + 0.5 * m2 * m2;

This controls the radius of the inner arc, with a minimum size of 20% of the canvas. Its relationship to the slider is not quite linear, as a squaring function is employed.

The fourth parameter is granulation:

variables.xGranulation = Math.floor(m3 * 8);

variables.yGranulation = 2 * Math.floor(m3 * 8);

The dot pattern on the canvas is divided by these factors, rounded, then multiplied. The result is a subtle granulation that leads to interesting stippling and potential Moiré patterns, dependent on the viewer's browser and monitor settings.

The fifth parameter is density:

variables.innerDensity = 1 + Math.floor(m4 * 5);

variables.outerDensity = 1 + Math.floor(m4 * 5);

This value is used to generate the random points that form the two arcs. A power of zero is a simple random number, each value of equal probability. A power of one will multiply that random number by a random number, weighting the values towards lower numbers. The highest possible weighting is a power of five, a vanishingly-small random number mutiplied by a random number a further five times, leading to intensely dark and narrow arcs.


This piece is available here.

Source Code

Source code available on request.