8bidou Collection 1: Vertical Stripes
For my first collection on 8bidou, I wanted to link my mathematical works with the constraints of the 24x24 monochrome grid. There's little opportunity for detail in such a space, but treating each pixel as a separate part of a grid with the possibility of 256 states is a good starting point.
In this piece, the sine of the x-coordinate is multiplied by the cosine of the y-coordinate, and this is mapped to a greyscale value. Differing scales, ranges and offsets produce variation, and I've curated four pieces that feature strong vertical striation.
8bidou Collection 2: Vortices
In this piece, the underlying value of each pixel is generated by multiplying the x and y position, then adding the sine and cosine of this value, mapped to a grayscale palette. Differing scales, ranges and offsets produce variation on a circular, chequerboard pattern, centred around a cruciform vortex.
8bidou Collection 3: Chess
In this piece, the underlying value of each pixel is generated by multiplying the x and y position, mapping this to a greyscale value weighted towards the extremes of black or white. Differing scales, ranges and offsets produce variation on a circular, chequerboard pattern, centred around a cruciform vortex.
8bidou Collection 4: Horizontal Stripes
In this piece, the underlying value of each pixel is generated by mapping the x-position, multiplied by 2 and then by the y-position modulo 2. This value then maps -16 to 8 from black to white. Differing scales, ranges and offsets produce variation on a circular, chequerboard pattern, centred around a cruciform vortex.